Housing Office Short-term May Housing for Athletes or Mayterm study abroad

On-campus housing during May

No one may reside in campus housing during the Mayterm period unless assigned by the Housing Director or Mayterm RD. Campus housing (typically in Page) during the month of May is available to athletes who are approved by their head coach to participate in extended intercollegiate athletics beyond the end of the spring semester, and to students participating in a Mayterm study abroad program before their trip departs.

IMPORTANT: Each athlete/study abroad student must have specific dates approved by their coach/trip leader in order to request short-term housing in May.

Off campus students who commute to campus for extended athletics, do not need to make any official arrangement with Housing for the month of May.

Short-term housing application deadline for athlete or study abroad participants: last day of finals.


Check-in (room keys, room assignments, etc.) will take place in Page Hall on the Sunday after Commencement; 10am-2pm and 7pm-9pm.

Athletes may be assigned to different rooms than regular Mayterm students.

We normally require athletes/study abroad students to fill each room to full occupancy (triples if in Page). We encourage students to form a group to fill their room. In the absence of a mutual grouping, students will be assigned and rooms filled by Housing.

Athletes who will also attend Mayterm

Athletes who will continue to attend an in-person Mayterm course beyond the dates approved for extended intercollegiate participation and want to remain in campus housing must select the "Mayterm class" option (not "short-term" option) on the form. These athletes will be assigned housing with the other Mayterm students (not with their team).

Costs for room and meals

Any athlete who is also attending the full 5-week Mayterm will only be charged for housing for any week (full or partial) beyond the dates approved by the coach for their extended athletics.

No meal plan is available for any portion of the 5-week Mayterm for approved athletes or short-termers. Athletes who remain in campus housing to complete a Mayterm course after the conclusion of postseason play may pay at the door for meals in the DC, prepare their own meals in the residence hall kitchen, etc.


Contact the Housing Office if you have any questions or concerns.